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2007年4月25日 星期三


我的電腦終於復活了,說起來捷元的保固真是要大力的推推推一下才對,乾脆,又快,換貨用計回來的還不用自己貼錢,上一次7600 KO 換了一遍良品,可是有點不良,可是對我而言我不想為了一點小事,讓我的PC又停擺個兩三天,於是就堪用吧,怎知道這次更扯,我昨天下午4點送到光華維修站,沒貨要調,今天中午寄到我板橋的窩了,重點還是換一片全新膠膜都沒拆過咧,剛小試,並調校了一下,等等補個圖上來分享一下 ~~爽

2007年4月24日 星期二

nvflash --strap


不知道是不是可行,所以瞎試,給我掛了。有看這帖的看官,你們可否有嚐試過 nvflash 中的 -m 功能呢? 又有多少了解呢。最近在試這個,試到不能進BIOS,賭濫。

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2007年4月21日 星期六

如何在文章中插入Google AdSense廣告

我們瞭解到廣告的位置和版面的結合是可以提高廣告收益的方法之一,而且算是蠻重要的一個優化方式。現在就來介紹一下WordPress如果方便的操控你的Google AdSense廣告。
如何在文章中插入Google AdSense廣告WordPress關於Google AdSense的插件(Plugin)有很多,Simon沒有全部試過,只用了一個也覺得不錯、使用的也蠻得心應手,也沒有打算換別的AdSense插件 來玩玩看,那就跟各位使用WordPress的網路賺錢族介紹這個Google AdSense廣告Plugin(AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin)。
這個AdSense-Deluxe使用起來不管是管理和安插AdSense廣告都很方便,而且也支援Yahoo Publisher Network的廣告(目前還沒有支援繁體中文) 。AdSense-Deluxe目前只支援WordPress1.5以上版本(含WordPress2.0版)。
下載AdSense-Deluxe 0.8官方網頁:AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin官方下載點:下載AdSense-Deluxe Plugin
功能特色:使用簡單的HTLM碼放置AdSense或YPN廣告於文章中,隨心所欲的在文章中選擇不同的廣告格式,更方便的修改網頁中所有的廣告格式,一個頁面只顯示3組廣告以符合Google Adsense計劃政策…等等。
安裝說明:將檔案解壓後,把adsense-deluxe.php這個檔上傳到 /wp-content/plugins/然後在後台的plugins設定中啟用Adsense-Deluxe。這樣就安裝完成這個Plugin了。
新增AdSense-deluxe廣告組想在文章插AdSense廣告,我們必需先新增AdSense-deluxe廣告組(New AdSense Block),在Name欄中填入廣告組的名稱,在AdSense Code欄中直接貼上從Google AdSense後台獲得的AdSense廣告碼。而在Description欄中填入該廣告的描述等說明(隨選,但如果你要使用的廣告組很多建議填上會比 較好管理、使用)
在文章中插入AdSense-deluxe廣告組想在內文貼Google AdSense廣告時,若你的寫作模式不是HTML寫作模式請將之轉換為HTML寫作模式,然後將AdSense-deluxe廣告組HTM註解碼(Name這一欄)貼到文中適當的位置即可。
進階使用除了直接將從AdSense後台獲得的AdSense廣告碼直接貼到AdSense Code欄中外,我們還可以使用CSS (串接樣式表)來操控廣告如何顯示。
這一個float: right可以讓你的廣告組顯示在右方,文字會會圍繞在廣告左方和下方。你也可以設為left,這樣廣告會顯示在左方。

background-image: url(;height: 303px; width: 300px;padding-top: 50px;padding-left: 53px;background-repeat: no-repeat;

是為廣告加上外框。瞭解了這些在WordPress中操控、管理AdSense方法,你就可以隨心所欲的將廣告放到合適的位置,讓Google AdSense為你帶來廣告收益。


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如何申請Google Adsense

想要申請一個Google Adsense的帳號很簡單,只要你有網站、網頁且內容不違反Google AdSense 計劃政策 中的網站內容規定,並且遵守Google AdSense 計劃政策就很容易通過審核得到一個Google Adsense帳號。

Google Adsense的計劃政策中並沒有規定一定要有自已的網址、域名才可以申請為Google Adsense的網站發佈者。也就是說你有寫Blog也可以拿該網址來申請。如果你還沒有寫Blog,Google公司其下的Blog網站( )是完全支援Google Adsense並且支援直接在Bolg中設定Adsense廣告擺放。

如果你對Google Adsense還不是很很瞭解,你可以閱覽Google Adsense支援中心-對 AdSense 感興趣

如果你已經瞭解Google Adsense想申請的話可以到Google Adsense支援中心-申請

如果你想成為Google Adsense的發佈者的,請一定要詳細閱讀Google AdSense 計劃政策 Google AdSense 線上標準條款及細則。在你成為Google Adsense發佈者後有違反計劃政策和條款的情形就有可能被停止帳號和止付你現有的收益,所以請各位站長、內容發佈者一定要詳細閱讀並遵守。

雖然現在Google Adsense申請表完全中文化,但像收款人姓名、地址還是只能填寫英譯。閱讀Google Adsense-如何輸入收款人姓名和地址?關於中文地址英譯和姓名英譯請參考以下網址:中華郵政全球資訊網 -中文地址英譯

網站配置廣告Site-Targeted Ads

AdSense For Content(與內容相關的關鍵字廣告)廣告之所以會出現在你的網頁,主要是因為該網頁的內容與AdWords廣告主所設置的關鍵字吻合。但除了因為內 容與廣告關鍵字吻合外,其實還有一種廣告,那就是網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)。網站配置廣告什麼是呢?官方的說明寫的很明白,那就是AdWords廣告主針對你的網站投放廣告。以下是節錄官方說明:何謂網站配置?

當您要配置廣告到 AdSense 聯播網中的特定網站上時,AdWords 廣告客戶會列出他們要刊登廣告的網站,或搜尋與他們想要配置的主題相關的網站。 如果您的網站是 AdSense 聯播網的一部分,那麼當廣告客戶搜尋與您網站內容相關的主題時,應該可以看到您的網站。

請注意,廣告客戶目前只能在 URL 層級競標個別網站,不能在特定網頁或目錄。 如需其他關於廣告客戶如何選擇和競標網站來配置的詳細資訊,請造訪。


在AdSense管理後台中點選"進階報告"中先選擇應品"AdSense For Conntent",再選取顯示依照"個別廣告",然後勾選"以配置類型 (內容或網站) 顯示資料",最後再按下顯示報告。這樣就會分別顯示與內容相關的廣告和廣告主選定在你網站投放廣告的報表。

網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)的收益會比較高嗎?

如果你的網站流量大、PageView高,網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)可以為你帶來不少收益。但是否會比與內容相關的關鍵字廣告來的高,這就有待觀察,因為影響你收益的因素很多,其中之一就是點擊率,如果你的 PageView高、但點擊率低,網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)可能會為你帶來較高的收益,這個原因以後會再做進一步的說明。另外網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)是由廣告主決定的,想要被投放網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)也不是網站發佈者能決定的事。

如何獲得網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)

剛剛已經說過了,網站配置廣告(Site-Targeted Ads)是由廣告主決定的,AdSense官方Blog發表一篇由AdWords小組以廣告主的觀點來分析什麼樣的網站較容易獲得廣告主投放網站配置廣告。


第二、廣告位置。廣告當然是要放在所謂的熱區是最好的,熱區就是訪客瀏覽你的網站第一個注意到的區塊或是瀏覽時必經的區塊內容。關於更多廣告位置優化請官方最佳化說明「我應該將 Google 廣告放在網頁上的哪個位置?」

第三、廣告格式大小。越大的廣告越能得到更多的注意,由其是336x 280大矩形、300×250中矩形、250×250小矩形的效果是最好的。


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AdSense CPM廣告

在談論AdSense CPM廣告(每千次展示成本廣告)前,我們先來瞭解一下AdSense For Content(與內容相關的關鍵字廣告)到底有幾種廣告形態。最初的AFC是只有做文字廣告的但經過幾年的發展,現在是文字、圖片、Flash廣告都 有,你也不用怕圖片或Flash廣告因為檔案太大剛拖慢你網頁的開啟速度,因為Google圖片、Flash廣告都有50KB大小的上限,會對網頁的開啟 速度影響因該是很小的。
以下的圖表說明目前AdSense For Content的廣告形態:


擴充文字廣告就是一個文字廣告佔滿整個原來是可以放2個以上的廣告組,該廣告是由AdWords系統自動判定投放的,AdWords官方的說明是:「任何 AdWords 文字廣告可以作為擴充的文字廣告放送。 無需特別安排: 在 AdWords 系統決定文字廣告的價格、相關性、和其他競爭條件時,文字廣告會自動擴充,成為優良的候選文字佔滿整個空間。」
AdSense CPM廣告(每千次展示成本廣告)
由上面的圖表可知CPM廣告都是網站配置的(site-targeted)形態,但出現在你網站的擴充文字廣告、圖片、Flash廣告不一定就是 CPM廣告。目前也沒有辦法從該廣告的外觀或其它方法得知它是否就是CPM廣告,但從AdSense後台管理有報表可以查詢CPM廣告的出現次數和收益。 要如何查看報表請閱讀『
網站配置廣告Site-Targeted Ads』內有詳細說明。
CPM的收益通常都是很小的,因為是以每千次來計費,所以單一次的展示很有可能都是少於1美分,如果不是很多展示廣告在你的網站,你在後台的報表看 到有時都是顯示有幾次的展示廣告但收益卻是零,官方的說法是,這些微小的收益還是會計入你的收益中的。舉個例子,如果廣告主投放一個2美元的CPM廣告, 在你的網站中出現一次你的收益就會是2/1000=0.002美元,AdSense報表只有到小數點下二位,所以會出現0在你的報表上。另外從報表中的有 效CPM(eCPM)我們可以得知這些網站配置的CPM廣告平均的每千次展示費用是多少,因為eCPM的計算方式就是"將總收益除以 每千次的展示次數",這樣反推回來,就可以看到如果這些CPM廣告出現在你的網站上一千次你將獲得該eCPM欄位中的所計錄的收益。
CPM廣告的說明中提到:「CPM 廣告會在我們的廣告拍賣中和每次點擊付費 (或稱 CPC,每次點擊成本) 廣告競爭,因此只有效能最高的廣告才能在您的網頁上放送。 廣告客戶提供的 CPM 競標價格必須比現有的 CPC 廣告要高,才能顯示廣告。」
當然是PageView高的網站囉,像論譠這類通常有高PageView、但低點擊率的網站形態CPM廣告會是最好的收益來源,但Google AdSense的CPM廣告是由廣告主自定投放於特定網站的,所以目前也沒有辦法設定只播放CPM廣告。要如何優化網站獲得網站配置廣告(Site- Targeted Ads)在之前的文章有說明,『
網站配置廣告Site-Targeted Ads』----------------------------------------------------版權所有.轉貼Adsense繁體中文觀測站

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2007年4月20日 星期五


要增加Google AdSense收益的方法很多,除了提高你的網站、部落格內容和品質外,優化你的AdSense廣告,將它們的配色、格式、大小、位置結合於你的網站或部落也是重點之一。

AdSense 最佳化提示
在AdSense 支援中心的最佳化提示中有詳細的介紹和說明如何最佳化你的AdSense廣告。就如同提示頁中說的,沒有一個網站是相同的,這個最佳化提示也只是以大多數網站發佈者的經驗,並不代表使用在你的網站或部落格就一定會有成效,有沒有效果只有你自已試了才知道。以下是官方的最佳化提示:

• 利用頻道測試您是否成功
• 我應該將 Google 廣告放在網頁上的哪個位置?
• 通過多個廣告組充份利用廣告空間
• 我應該使用哪種廣告格式?
• 利用連結組加強您的網頁
• 何種調色盤最成功?
• 盡量縮小您的篩選清單
• 在使用者探索網路的同時發掘更多的收益潛能
• 我如何讓自己的網站被包含在 Google 的搜尋結果中?


除了一般網站和部落格外,AdSense優化小組也有針對論譠做了優化研究,更提到"經營論壇網站時,若要設計出成功而不至於讓定期使用者感到突兀的廣告,廣告位置和格式就是設計的重點。" 如果你是經營論譠,那你一定要看一下Adsense官方的優化提示"讓 AdSense 與您的論壇網站相襯"。



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2007年4月18日 星期三


原則上,較寬的廣告格式會比那些較高的格式要來得更有效益,因為它們的格式較容易閱讀。 讀者是以思考單位 (thought unit) 來吸收資訊 (亦即,一次閱讀數個字)。 較寬的格式可以讓他們舒服地一次閱讀較多文字,而不用像他們在看較狹窄的廣告時,沒讀幾個字就要被迫換行讀起。 較寬的廣告格式也比較不會讓讀者完全略過廣告組不看。
由於這些格式可以讓使用者閱讀較多的文字,而不用每隔幾個字就換行,因此使用者的眼睛比較不會略過整個廣告組不看。 如果位置恰當,這些廣告格式可以增加您的收益。 我們發現成效最佳的廣告格式是336x280 大矩形300x250 內置矩形和 160x600 寬幅摩天大廣告。請記住,雖然這些廣告格式效能不錯,您還是應該使用最能搭配您網頁的格式。
最能善用小型廣告空間的秘訣: 試試以下的簡化連結組格式。 這些格式精簡、切中要旨而具多面向,足以切合一般廣告達不到的位置

轉貼出處 Adsense繁體中文觀測站 -網路賺錢部落格

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我應該將 Google 廣告放在網頁上的哪個位置?

我應該將 Google 廣告放在網頁上的哪個位置?
Google 廣告的最佳位置會隨毎個網頁內容不同而有所變化。 當您考量廣告放置的位置時,可以考慮以下幾個問題:
某些位置確實比其他地方要來得有用。 此份「熱門地圖」可以讓您瞭解在範例網頁版面配置上的理想位置。 顏色分布從深橘色 (最強的效能) 褪到淡黃色 (最差的效能)。 在其他條件都相同的情況下,廣告位置如果在折線上會比在折線下表現好。 廣告位置如果在豐富內容以及瀏覽輔助區附近,通常效能會比較好,因為使用者的焦點會放在網頁的那些區域上。
雖然此份熱門地圖作為位置指南非常實用,但是我們強烈建議您在決定廣告位置時,務必把使用者放在第一位。 想想他們在不同網頁上的行為,以及怎樣的配置可以達到最大的實用性與可見性。 您將會發現效能最佳的廣告位置不一定是您在特定網頁上所預期的位置。
例如,在使用者通常會專注於閱讀某篇文章的網頁上,將廣告直接放在該內容結尾的下方,效果就會比較好。 大多數的使用者在完成閱讀時通常會自問「接下來我要做什麼?」。恰到好處的與內容相關的廣告,可以為他們解答那個問題。 利用多個廣告組最大化廣告空間
透過運用我們龐大的廣告量,多個廣告組可以協助最佳化您的效能。 您最多可在每個網頁放置 3 個廣告組 (除了每個產品的一個連結組和兩個推薦連結按鈕外)。 請記住,測量多個廣告組效益的最佳方式,是檢查您整體收益的影響。 在下列情況中,多個廣告組特別成功:
只能放入較小廣告格式 (例如 125 x125 按鈕) 的網頁。
最大化多個廣告組的秘訣: 確認網頁上位置最佳的廣告組是您的 HTML 程式碼中第一個出現的廣告組。 這樣有助於確保在競標中排名最高的廣告會出現在您的重要廣告位置,且能夠為您帶來最多收益。
轉貼出處 Adsense繁體中文觀測站 -網路賺錢部落格

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2007年4月15日 星期日


黑澀會美眉裸照外流 遭轉貼各大色情網站



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2007年4月14日 星期六



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2007年4月12日 星期四



NVIDIA BIOS Modification ProgramScript Syntax and Command Line ParametersScript SyntaxA BIOS Modification Script consists of definitions. Definition specify things such as where to find certain structures, what data to place into a BIOS image, where to place checksums, and what values to prompt the BIOSMOD operator for.
BIOSMOD interprets the script in a single pass, so symbols need to be defined in definitions before they are referenced in other definitions.
Comments preceded by a double slash (//) and extending to the end of the line are allowed. Also, white space including spaces, tabs, and new-lines can be included between tokens.
All identifiers and reserved words are NOT case sensitive.
DefinitionsStruct/EndStructThe Struct keyword is used to define a structure. There are two forms of the Struct construct. The first form specifies its starting address (as an offset into the BIOS segment) and its contents. The bytes at the specified starting address are replaced with the data specified in the structure. This structure has the following syntax:
Struct id at expression line line ... EndStructid is the name of the structure. expression is the address of the structure. Besides specifying where the bytes of the structure will be stored, the value of the expression is bound to the structure identifier so that it can be used in expressions in the remainder of the script.
Alternatively, the expression can be specified as "?", and the script can be resolved with a map file. The map file must contain a symbol with the same name as the structure identifier. The value of the symbol in the map file will be used as the structure address.
A script with unresolved structure addresses (specified as question marks) can either be used with a map file to modify a BIOS image, or it can be used with a map file to create a new script file that has all resolved addresses. The new script file can then be used to modify a BIOS image without a map file.
The second form of the Struct construct is used to search for a sequence of bytes. The name of the structure can then be used in expressions for specifying the locations of other structures. This allows searching for structures with a certain pattern without the need for a map file. The syntax to search for a structure is shown below:
Struct Structure Identifier find line line ... EndStructThe format of line in either type of structure definition is one of the following:
byte expression-list word expression-list dword expression-list skip expression label identifier date string byterange expression, expression wordrange expression, expression dwordrange expression, expression An expression list can be one of the following forms:
expression expression , expression-list An expression in a byte, word, or dword struct line can be a "?" to signify that a byte, word, or dword respectively should be skipped and left unchanged in the BIOS image. Alternately, the skip line can be used to skip a number of bytes. The number of bytes skipped is specified in the expression present in the skip statement.
In the case of a byte line, an expression can be a string expression surrounded by tick marks ('). Standard C escape sequences can also be used inside the string. Each character of the string will be stored as a byte.
The string expression given to the date statement should be in the format used in the WIN32 API GetDateFormat.

The byterange, wordrange, and dwordrange statements are used to specify a range of valid values for use with a find structure. For a match to occur, the value at that position in the BIOS image must be equal to or greater than the first expression, and equal to or less than the second expression.
ChecksumThe checksum definition can be used to generate a single byte checksum of a range of bytes and store the checksum at a specified location. The syntax is:
checksum start, end, checksum start - Expression that specifies the address to start the checksum calculation at end - Expression that specifies the address to end the checksum calculation at checksum - Expression that specifies the address to store the checksum byte at IncludeThe include definition can be used to include another script within this script. The script acts as if the lines of the included script file where inserted at the point of the include definition. When a script file is resolved with a map file to produce a new script file, the new script file will have the include statements replaced with the lines of the included file. The syntax for the include definition is:
Include filename filename - String expression specifying the filename of the script to include. StringPromptThe StringPrompt statement is used to prompt the BIOSMOD operator for a string of characters. The dialog box that is presented actually brings up a hex editor, so the string can be entered as either text characters or hex numbers. The format for the StringPrompt statement is:
stringprompt id, label, address, size id - ID of this prompt. Currently unused. label - String expression specifying the label to display on the dialog box next to this prompt. address - Expression specifying the start address of the area of memory to edit. size - Expression specifying the number of bytes to expose to the user in the prompt. ValuePromptThe ValuePrompt statement is used to prompt the BIOSMOD operator for a value. The value can be any number of bits in length and the bits that make up the value can be scattered among different bytes in the BIOS image. The user can enter the value in decimal or hex by preceding the value with a "0x". If the value consists of a single bit, a check box is displayed instead of an edit box. The format for the ValuePrompt statement is:
valueprompt id, label, base, address:bit:bitsize [, address:bit:bitsize]* id - ID of this prompt. Currently unused. label - String expression specifying the label to display on the dialog box next to this prompt. base - Decimal integer specifying number base to use for displaying the current value in the edit box. Usually 10 or 16. address - Expression specifying the address of this sequence of bits. bit - Expression specifying the bit number for the least significant source bit of this sequence of bits. bitsize - Expression specifying the number of bits to use at this location. Note that more than one address, bit, bitsize sequence can be specified if the value comes from multiple bit fields. The value is assembled in order with the first sequence specifying the most significant bits and the last sequence specifying the least significant bits. For example, to prompt for an eight bit value that is stored in two separate 4-bit fields at the following locations:
Bits 4 through 7 of the prompt value are located at address a1, starting at bit 0 Bits 3 through 0 of the prompt value are located at address a2, starting at bit 2 the following statement would be used:
valueprompt example, 'Example Value: ', 16, a1:0:4, a2:2:4 EnumDef/EndEnumDefThe EnumDef definition defines the valid values for an EnumPrompt. Each possible value has a string and an integer associated with it. The format of an EnumDef definition is:
EnumDef idstring, value[ string, value ]*EndEnumDef id - ID of this EnumDef. Used to uniquely identify this EnumDef in an EnumPrompt. string - String expression specifying the string to include in the combo box. value - Decimal or hex integer that will be stored when the corresponding string is selected in the combo box. EnumPromptThe EnumPrompt is similar to a ValuePrompt except that instead of presenting an edit box to the user, a combo box is presented instead. The combo box is populated with the strings listed in the specified EnumDef. The combo box will initially have the string selected that corresponds to the value currently present in the BIOS image. The value associated with the selected string will be stored into the BIOS image when the user presses "OK". The format for the EnumPrompt is:
enumprompt id, label, enumdef-id, address:bit:bitsize [, address:bit:bitsize]* id - ID of this prompt. Currently unused. label - String expression specifying the label to display on the dialog box next to this prompt. enumdef-id - ID of the enumdef to reference to determine what to populate the combo box with. address - Expression specifying the address of this sequence of bits. bit - Expression specifying the bit number for the least significant source bit of this sequence of bits. bitsize - Expression specifying the number of bits to use at this location. Note that more than one address, bit, bitsize sequence can be specified if the value comes from multiple bit fields. The value is assembled in order with the first sequence specifying the most significant bits and the last sequence specifying the least significant bits. For example, to prompt for an eight bit value that is stored in two separate 4-bit fields at the following locations:
Bits 4 through 7 of the prompt value are located at address a1, starting at bit 0 Bits 3 through 0 of the prompt value are located at address a2, starting at bit 2 The following statement would be used:
enumprompt example, 'Example Value: ', exampleEnum, a1:0:4, a2:2:4 MapRegThe MapReg statement is used to specify to BIOSMOD where the value that will be written to a NVIDIA register is stored in the BIOS image. This information is used by BIOSMOD to check to see that rules listed in the NVIDIA hardware manuals are not violated by the BIOS image.
The bits that make up the value can be scattered among different bytes in the BIOS image. The format for the MapReg statement is:
mapreg reg, set, address:bit:bitsize [, address:bit:bitsize]* reg - Name of the NVIDA register to map into the BIOS image. set - Set to add this mapping to. address - Expression specifying the address of this sequence of bits. bit - Expression specifying the bit number for the least significant source bit of this sequence of bits. bitsize - Expression specifying the number of bits to use at this location. Each register mapping is stored in a set. When rules are checked, values within each set are used to see if all the conditions pass. This allows for cases where there is more than one value that can be written to a register. There is a special set called GLOBAL. Mappings in the GLOBAL set act as through they are included in all sets. For normal cases where there is only one value that will be written to a register, the set should be specified as GLOBAL.

Note that more than one address, bit, bitsize sequence can be specified if the value comes from multiple bit fields. The value is assembled in order with the first sequence specifying the most significant bits and the last sequence specifying the least significant bits. For example, to prompt for an eight bit value that is stored in two separate 4-bit fields at the following locations:
Bits 16 through 31 of the register value are located at address a1, starting at bit 0 Bits 15 through 0 of the register value are located at address a2, starting at bit 2 the following statement would be used:
mapreg NV_PFB_PIN, GLOBAL, a1:0:16, a2:2:16 MapFieldThe MapField statement is used to specify to BIOSMOD where the value that will be written to an individual NVIDIA register field is stored in the BIOS image. This information is used by BIOSMOD to check to see that rules listed in the NVIDIA hardware manuals are not violated by the BIOS image.
The bits that make up the value can be scattered among different bytes in the BIOS image. The format for the MapField statement is:
mapfield field, set, address:bit:bitsize [, address:bit:bitsize]* field - Name of the NVIDA field to map into the BIOS image. set - Set to add this mapping to. address - Expression specifying the address of this sequence of bits. bit - Expression specifying the bit number for the least significant source bit of this sequence of bits. bitsize - Expression specifying the number of bits to use at this location. Each field mapping is stored in a set. When rules are checked, values within each set are used to see if all the conditions pass. This allows for cases where there is more than one value that can be written to a field. There is a special set called GLOBAL. Mappings in the GLOBAL set act as through they are included in all sets. For normal cases where there is only one value that will be written to a field, the set should be specified as GLOBAL.
Note that more than one address, bit, bitsize sequence can be specified if the value comes from multiple bit fields. The value is assembled in order with the first sequence specifying the most significant bits and the last sequence specifying the least significant bits. For example, to prompt for an eight bit value that is stored in two separate 4-bit fields at the following locations:
Bits 4 through 7 of the field value are located at address a1, starting at bit 0 Bits 3 through 0 of the field value are located at address a2, starting at bit 2 the following statement would be used:
mapfield NV_PFB_PIN, GLOBAL, a1:0:4, a2:2:4 ExpressionsAn expression can include the following operands:
constants previously defined structure names and labels symbol names that resolve to values in a map file An expression can include the following operators:
+ (plus) - (binary minus) - (unary minus) * (multiplication) / (division) & (AND) (OR) ^ (XOR) ~ (BITWISE NOT) (, ) (Left and right parentheses) @ (indirection) Standard rules of precedence are used, but they can be overridden with parentheses. The indirection operator (@) evaluates the value at the address given by the expression following the "@" symbol.
Constants are decimal by default, but can be specified in hexadecimal if preceded with a "0x", octal if preceded with a leading 0, and binary if followed by a b.
String expressions are a sequence of characters surrounded by tick marks ('). Standard C escape sequences can also be used inside the string.
ExampleAn example script can be found here: example.html
Command Line ParametersThe BIOS Modification Program is started with the following command line:
biosmod [options] [filename]
filename Specified file is loaded. Required for any of the other options to work. If any of the other options are present, then the file is saved after the changes are made, and the program is terminated.
options can be any of the options listed in the following table:
/script:script.srp Specifies script file to use to modify the BIOS image / Specifies map file to use to resolve structure addresses in the script file
Alternatively, the BIOS Modification Program can be run to take a script file and a map file and produce a new script file with no unresolved structure addresses. The new file can then be used to modify a BIOS image without a map file. The syntax to resolve a script with a map file and create a new script file is shown below:
biosmod /script:script file /mapfile:map file /outscript:new script file

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2007年4月10日 星期二

手賤又改,軟改 QUADRO FX 560 16X AA 反鋸齒

OPENGL 專業繪圖選項開啟

開啟 16X AA

卡片的頻率被我鎖BIOS在630 / 1600


軟改 QUADRO FX 560 16X AA 反鋸齒

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每個人都知道發脾氣是無知的行為,完全對事情不會有任何幫助,但是知易行難呀,人們會發脾氣代表事情跟他想法不同情況,不 如意,所以發脾氣,這是無悟,因為悟不透,所以總有所求,有慾望,希望事與願符,不果,所以發脾氣。 其實發脾氣是世界上最划不來的一筆生意,損人不利己,普天下間日日有是非,處處有爭執,其實都因為悟不透而爭些什麼在生氣,但是非總歸一念之差,一念放下 萬般自在。一個想法,能改變一個結果,所謂凡人轉境不轉心,聖賢轉心不轉境。

2007年4月9日 星期一


最新的編輯NVIDIA BIOS 的工具出囉,Nibitor 3.3版

2007年4月8日 星期日


2007年4月6日 星期五




手中這張ELSA影雷者(雷霆版)7600GS,也就是我前幾天說用RIVATURNER檢視下,GPU ID顯示0393 softmod to 0392的這張顯卡,在調試後,決定將它設置在GPU/RAM=630/1500,因為這張卡給我的感覺說真的並不好,他在電容的部分我猜想應該是重換過鋁殼才又上線賣的吧(由它softmod'ID ,另外,它的每顆電容都是用手焊過的(因為錫腳真的超醜的)),所以設定就不超到太gin,把目前小女子所用的系統配備跟大家報告一下,U=AMD DUAL*2 4200+ ,MB=MSI K8N939diamond*16X, DDR 400 *512 * 2 dual way, X-PRO 350W power, ASUSDVD16X光雕,HD=WD80G HT160G ,音.網.內建 ;以上,顯示卡則是刷7600GT的BIOS _P456D7 ,附上3DMARK05 測試圖,歡迎給意見指導;;;有使用N-TUNE 調試過系統,但並沒明顯感受..